Playing outside without cold or stress

A complete guide to going out without hassle.

Going outside in winter with a young child can seem daunting, but not for long…

It’s true, winter with a mini can be a challenge.

But there are tips and tricks to transform your winter outings into magical moments!

We've created a guide that brings together our best tips to help you get outside and play with peace of mind.

Ce guide est pour toi si ...

Outdoor activities seem more stressful than enjoyable to you
Going out is a logistical headache that eventually discourages you.
You're afraid your little one will be cold, even if they're well covered.
You stop yourself from going out with your child because you are afraid of the cold.

We are remedying the situation!

By downloading our free guide, you will find our best tips for pleasant and comfortable outings!

✨ The onion peel method
🌡️ Safe temperatures
🧣 How to choose your clothes
📝 A checklist of essentials
⚠️ Warning signs to watch for
💡 Tips for successful outings